Sunday, May 02, 2010

Obama Speaks Out Against Angry Rhetoric

And now for the obligatory agreement with President Obama. Enjoy. It doesn't happen too much. And it's only a comment or two.

When President Obama spoke at the commencement speech at the University of Michigan to an estimated crowd of over 80, 000, he used the opportunity to take aim at those who use "angry rhetoric" about the government being "inherently bad." He also spoke in his usual double-speak and somewhat of a hypocritical message. If only he stuck to his own words.

The most interesting and agreeable portion was when he said, "If you're a regular Glenn Beck listener, then check out the Huffington Post sometimes. If you read The New York Times editorial page the morning, then glance every now and then at The Wall Street Journal.
"It may make your blood boil. Your mind may not be changed. But the practice of listening to opposing views is essential for effective citizenship...Throwing around phrases like 'socialists' and 'Soviet-style takeover,"fascists' and 'right-wing nut' - that may grab headlines," he said. But it also "closes the door to the possibility of compromise.
At its worst, it can send signals to the most extreme elements of our society that perhaps violence is a justifiable response."

I'd say that that's pretty much on. Too bad he doesn't really believe it. I wish he did. But when the government takes over private companies, grows expedentially and wants to "spread the wealth" because "there are times when you can make too much money," that's socialism, like it or not.

Don't think there's hope for me. I agreed with Palin more.


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