Monday, May 17, 2010

Racial Myths and Realities

Keeping up on the spin of history, especially that of slavery and internment.
It's amazing to me how so-called historians can simply erase the part of mankind's existence (god or bad) that they simply don't like. Even if it is true. But what's even more contemptible is making things up that are not. It's bad enough when one race tries to embarrass or lie about another. But when members of the same race lie about their own, it astounds me. White, black, Asian, native, Latino, whatever. It just astounds me how so many can be so ignorant to history. Even more so is that sometimes they want these allegations to be true. Unfortunately they are sometimes, but I think more often than not the bleeding-heart type have been indoctrinated so much (and before I forget, pick up Michael Medved's book, The 10 Big Lies About America; it's an eye-opener) that they don't even question any blame their race has been fitted with, even when it's not true. White guilt is especially rampant (as the article indicates)

These people have come to the conclusion (and then inundate their children-and others-with an alternate, false, historical record. This is especially egregious when one omits (either by true ignorance or willful blindness) the facts of one's own race and their suffering at the hands of tyrants and dictators throughout history. Whitey isn't the only one that has committed racial atrocities. I'd wager to bet you'll find that "white crimes" throughout history were far less cruel and common than you've been led to believe.

Shameful. This is not going to help race relations any time soon.


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