Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Speak No Obama Evil

Remember the glory days of Bush Derangement Syndrome when every member of every left-wing media establishment went bonkers with glee whenever a liberal author would appear on cable shows such as everything on MSNBC and the network morning shows promoting anything on paper that portrayed President Bush as a numbskull, drug addict, etc?

Well, how times have changed. Although there have been several books put out about the background and radical Alinsky policies of Barack Obama (Michelle Malkin's Culture of Corruption, David Freddoso's The Case Against Barack Obama & Jerome Corsi's Obama Nation to name a few) it seems the liberal heads at AOL, the Huffington Post, The Nation & Newsweek aren't too happy with Aaron Klein's new book, "The Manchurian President."

Possibly because it puts their messiah in a bad, exposed, light; or it simply doesn't jive with their ideology that Obama is even better than sliced bread.

They never had a problem with the numerous books full of fallacies and unsourced material about Bush over the years, or that of Karl Rove and Condoleeza Rice (where was the concern about racism on that one?) but I digress.
I guess it's their job to be the book-keepers for this generation and its their job to decide what you can read and what you can't. Because you see, if it were up to them, only liberal, non-sensical claptrap would be in your children's textbooks and in the public libraries. Heck, even your private collection wouldn't have any dissenting views or actual truth about their Great Leaders of history. You do know that there's actual history and liberal history, right?

What was that about what Obama said at his commencement speech at UM? Read opposing views? I wonder if these cretins know they're in direct defiance of their Chosen One?


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