Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Muslims Are Intolerant of Homosexuals?

Well, duh! At least, according to this article, 72% in Britain are. But they can't possibly have the same opinions about them here in North America, right?

Is this really surprising, given the fate of homosexuals in Islamic countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia? Everybody with half a brain and any sort of common sense, know this is true to fact. Everybody knows that intolerance of gays shown by Islamists (and I'm guessing devout Muslims in general-and as the author stated within the article itself, 72% is not a generalization. I'm pretty sure it's a heavy majority) is protected somehow, bizarrely, protected by free speech (and only for Islamists) and political correctness. I don't have to tell you-unless you're a devout Muslim yourself, in which case you're further protected by the Koran's ability to lie to infidels or simply a devout liberal; in which case you're probably just a hypocrite when you say you're all for gay rights, yet chastise Christians for the same "intolerance," but are simply afraid to state your beliefs for fear of violent reprisal against anything the Islamists do or say.

You doubt it. Well then, number one, you're an ignorant fool, but moreover, prove me wrong. Show me a devout imam that says being gay isn't a sin or doesn't deserve death.

As for the so-called feminists that are supposedly looking out for all women, their disgusting silence speaks volumes. They're too busy attacking female conservative political figures. More importantly, like all of the rest of the liberal elites, they're too scared. That's the ace-in-the-hole for these violent, intolerant Muslims, they know if there is enough fear put forth, they can continue their intolerance, bullying and violence unabated. Forget the ACLU, U.N, FAIR *chuckle* and any other organization that purports to "protect" the rights of citizens, or any sort of news organization-short of FOX-to inform you of what's going on in their hearts and minds. They're just as scared to become the next Theo Van Gough. And if they do attempt to inform, they're fined, bullied and threatened. They're too busy and much less fearful of condemning the Christians, the Catholic church, conservatives, the Tea Partiers and anyone or anything else that doesn't threaten you with death if they don't like what you do or say.

Where's your intolerance with that?\

Not that it has to be said (because I think it was quite clear and I've made it so in past posts) but upon reading this column, I feel I must reiterate that I'm obviously not talking about "real" Muslims who are peaceful, family-oriented people, but that this post was directed solely at whom I actually did mention-Islamists. The die-hards, the radicals, the Islamic abominations that have high-jacked the religion for their own ungodly purpose.
This is not a typical "apologizing/appeasement to Muslims" that right-wingers have to do at times not to catch grief because bleeding hearts fail to catch the real message, but by simply and unintentionally interchanging"Islamists" and "Muslims," it may have been seen as anti-Muslim instead of anti-Islamist (e.g. Islamofascist)


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