Wednesday, June 30, 2010

For All Those Robert Byrd Minions Out There

For those of you, like the liberal media who apparently only honor Democrat racists, here is a little background information on your hero you probably either didn't know, since the MSM certainly doesn't want to inform you; or you have turned a blind eye to.

Why the libs continually and historically put racists, pedophiles, criminals (including all of the former from history) up on pedestals and then hypocritically denounce the right for any sort of malfeasance whatsoever (including the endless lies and unsubstantiated accusations) is mind boggling. Truly, it is.

As evidence for the above statements, here's a NewsBusters column about how MSNBC's Chris Tingle says he admired Byrd for honoring the American Revolution-era Gadsden flag as a "patriotic" stance against the Iraq War. Chrissy seems to excuse his own hypocrisy about how the flag was used as a symbol of fear and racism when used by the Tea Party. But when it's used symbolically by a REAL racist, and once again a senior Democrat, ah, no big deal.

A great comment left by the username of "cysusa" highlites the MSNBC host's blatant disregard of history and his own network's short-sightedness.

It's funny cause when Strom Thurmond died the media constantly mentioned (to just about the exclusion of everything else) that he had supported segregation and opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1957. No mention was made that he later changed to a moderate view of race relations. He was a Democrat during that period of his tenure and later became a Republican. I suspect that had he died as a Democrat he would have received the Byrd media treatment. It's not that people can't grow and change but only if you are a Democrat - at least as far as the lamestream is concerned.

So, just as a wrap-up (from another diligent commentor)

- Byrd was an officer in the KKK -- a Kleagle and an Exalted Cyclops.
- In 1944, Byrd wrote to Senator Theodore Bilbo:
“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.- Byrd fillibustered against the Civil Rights act.
- Byrd defended segregation.
- Byrd was against gay marriage and Clinton's "Don't ask, don't tell" rule
It seems as though Byrd was on the wrong side of history.
Yet he's being eulogized as some sort of legendary hero.
Considering the fact that Byrd was the longest serving US Senator, what specifically are his accomplishments?
Is there a famous piece of Byrd legislation?

Once again, the Looney Left tries to re-write history and is smacked down by their own pathetic attempts to masquerade their own.

Oh, and here's a typical example of the way lefty pundits will use any disgusting example to feed their Bush Derangement Syndrome.


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