Sunday, June 06, 2010

Helen Thomas: Her Comments on the Jooos and the Aftermath

We all know the prehistoric and clearly anti-Semitic, Helen Thomas has no basis is reality and has become a laughing stock in the White House Press Corps for years now, but with her recent true colors being shown, what will Hearst Publishing and the rest of the members of the Washington press do about her? My guess is not much to nothing at all.

Former Bush Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer, who is of Jewish descent, thinks she should be fired. She's not just spewing eye-rolling inducing irrelevant comments any more.

She's been dropped from from her agency, Nine Speaker. And others want her to pay for her ignorant and bigoted comments. It's about time this fossil was held responsible for her outrageous, ill-informed comments and bigotry.

I guess she now knows that even with her decades of experience and connections, she should have paid more attention to the Dan Rather affair and realized she's not untouchable.

Really, it's about time.


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