Sunday, June 06, 2010

Remembering D-Day

June 6, 1944 is remembered by all who were there and should be by all who benefitted. Americans and Canadians and all their allies. God bless the brave souls, both those who perished in the name of freedom and liberty and against tyranny and those who came home, only to carry the horrific memories of that fateful, but all too important day.

And as Ben Stein says in this column from Lonely Conservative, who knew President Bush delivered such a beautiful D-Day speech while in Normady? It certainly didn't get any mention from the liberal press, but being it was on the same day as President Reagan's death, if not on the anniversary of D-Day itself, even conservative outlet's had put it somewhat on the back-burner.
Be sure to follow the link to the article by Carl Cannon.


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