Monday, September 27, 2010

Obama Comes Down on Amedinejad For Trutherism at U.N.

Giving credit where credit is due, President Obama chastised Iranian President, Mamoud Amedinijad for using "trutherism" at his latest speech at the U.N. where they have repeatedly allowed this dictator to threaten, lie and berate Israel at every given opportunity, under the lie of "human rights and democracy."

Even though, I'm sure that this is some convenient attempt to look presidential in light of the Democrats facing a thrashing, at least the House, come this November, kudos to the president for not allowing the insane one to, at least publically, getting away with it; as the Useless Nations usually do.

"That threat to Israel, President Obama said, is another “example of where the Iranian people I believe are ill served. To have a President who makes outrageous, offensive statements like this does not serve the interests of the Iranian people, does not strengthen Iran’s stature in the world community. And there is an easy solution to this, which is to have a Iranian government act responsibly in the international community, along the lines of not just basic codes of conduct or diplomatic norms, but just basic humanity and common decency.”

“Again, for Ahmadinejad to come to somebody else’s country and then to suggest somehow that the worst tragedy that’s been experienced here, an attack that killed 3,000 people, was somehow the responsibility of the government of that country, is something that defies not just common sense but basic sense -- basic senses of decency that aren’t unique to any particular country -- they’re common to the entire world.”


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