Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Micheal Moron Proves Once Again He Sides with America's Enemies

Forget for a moment about the left's new hero and enemy of America (not to mention alleged rapist) Julian Assange. Let's focus on the left's old, discredited and floundering hero, Michael Moore. This guy just can't resist being a classless piece of garbage. Anybody who hates America and wants to see her damaged and destroyed, Moore's right there to lend a chubby hand. Of course to be even more of a traitor and keep his name in the news, Moore has bailed Wikileaks guru, Julian Assange out of a British jail for $20,000.

Does this waste of a lot of skin not understand how no one but a small minority on the far left gives a rat's behind what he thinks? He's been proven time and time again to be the consummate liar and manipulator. Watch him, Assange and Oliver Stone make a documentary together on the evils of America, totally ignoring the history and deeds of Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and all the other totalitarian nations that apparently are better than America. The country in which Moore and his pals try to damage and whine about; all the while making his millions and not leaving.

In the above link to his "reasons" for bailing out Assange, so he can presumably do more damage to America, to which not only Moore knows he'll do, but is counting on it; he wants us to notice a picture of President Bush presumably about to accept a document that says "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US." And that "...on those pages it said the FBI had discovered 'patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings." Moore then maintains that "Bush decided to ignore it and went fishing for the next four weeks."

First of all I wouldn't trust any "information" Moore wanted to pass along. Second, what's the hell is he talking about? In that picture you can't see any sort of unidentifiable headings on that folder to determine what is in it whatsoever! Typical Moore B.S. Thirdly, how does he know what was in not only that folder, but the so-called leaked documents about Bin Laden and how Bush handled any information forwarded to him? Is he privy to classified information, did Assange give him something earlier, or is he just once again a pathological liar? I'd wager on the latter.
And by the way, Bush didn't go "fishing for four weeks," he was in Midland, Texas taking a well-deserved break. But remember, the president is never "on vacation." Unless your Obama and you've only been on the job for a month.

No surprise that Moore is ignorant with the facts. He's a made a lucrative career out of it. Wait a minute. Isn't that capitalism? Doesn't he hate capitalism ? But moreover, he doesn't even know where Assange stands.

Micheal Moore...nothing new here. Still an ignorant, ultra-maroon and pathetic liar.


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