Thursday, December 23, 2010

Obama's Very Bad Year

The Democrats and their MSM enablers desperately want people to believe that President Obama had a great and productive year. They want you to swallow their collective fantasies that he's the greatest, smartest and most influencial leader since Franklin D. Roosevelt.

As I've noted in previous posts, they want the public to swallow the massively unpopular healthcare law, forget about his foriegn affairs failures, the fiasco that was the BP oil spill (that although was not Obama's fault, his mismanagment clearly was) and most of all they want people to believe the massive mismanagment and overspending that is the "stimulus" passed during the summer was all part of what Obama coined as "Recovery Summer," even with no long-term jobs created and unemployment still hovering around 9.5 percent.

The Washington Post's Nancy Benac and Calvin Woodward have boiled down Obama's 2010 in office as a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year."

To go along with this, here's a little fun from Jib Jab and their acertation of Obama's 2010 in review:


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