Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Andrea Mitchell: Republicans Are Trying to “Appropriate” Reagan to Push Conservatism

Talk about delusional. Of all the idiotic statements made in the last few months-and I'm including the hypocrisy and lies about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party-this has to be the most ridiculous:

“I mean, he said, ‘This is – -the sound you hear around my feet is the concrete breaking around my feet,’ whatever the exact words were,” she said. “People are trying – Republicans in particular, obviously trying to appropriate Ronald Reagan for their own political purposes now. But his vision and his ability to work across party lines was so far broader. He stuck to his principles. He was authentic, which is I think one of the reasons why he’s so admired after all of these years. But he knew when he needed to compromise, and he did. And he reached out with Democrats, not just the boll weevils who were the conservative Texas Democrats, but with Tip O’Neill and liberal Massachusetts Democrats as well when he needed to get something done with the help the really — the guidance of people like Jim Baker. But the genius of it all was that Ed Meese was there, there were conservatives there, and, and Jim Baker, more moderate Republicans. And it was a bit messy at times, but he had a range of views. And Nancy Reagan bringing even more people into the — into play.”

So apparently, Ronald Reagan, the man the press truly loved to despise when he was alive, is now a liberal that the right is trying to appropriate. What an absolute ignorant and/or lying imbecile. She knows. Everybody knows. He was a true conservative, even when he was a Democrat. But since the left has no real heroes to cling to, they steal the right's and try to whitewash history (yet again) for their own deluded purposes.

Does she expect anyone to really buy this?


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