Thursday, February 10, 2011

Us Weekly Published Palin/Aguilera Spoof as Fact

So when Sarah Palin was pranked by a couple of French-Canadian radio D.J's a while back , everyone on the left had a hearty laugh at her expense. But when, say, Rachel Maddow or a major U.S. "news"magazine reports a story from a satirical website as fact and then are too embarrassed about it to acknowledge their mistake (because, you know the super humans on the left are never wrong and cannot be made a fool of) it's the fault of conservatives (of course) or their staff, or their fact-checkers (which they never seem to use anyways-if they even have them) It's never them.

Such is the case with Us Weekly. After the flubbing of the national anthem by Christine Aguilera, the magazine printed a column that took the satire serious which quoted Palin as saying, "Unemployment is at nine percent, yet we have to suffer through a performance by a foreigner with a poor grasp of the English language." it also has Palin wishing to have Aguilera deported.

It's amazing the level of hatred that the liberal press has for Palin. Clearly, from the attempted, disgusting, pinning of the shooting of Democrat Gabriel Giffords, to her remarks on Egypt to things that are attributed to her that she never said or did; they sure put a lot of energy (and a whole lot of imagination) into trying to discredit someone that does not hold public office, in no way dictates any sort of policy, or has any sway in social matters. People believe what they believe. They try to seek out the best information they can and make up their own minds. Of course that's a real problem nowadays, given the lack of credibility of most of the media that has their own left-wing agenda.

Like says, "It boggles the mind that a major outlet could read these obviously satirical, fake quotes and treat them as the real deal.
However badly Aguilera botched the anthem last Sunday, Us Weekly just did a hundred times worse."

Or as NewsBusters Tom Blumer stated, "After 2-1/2 years of "Who's Trig's real mom?" and similar garbage from people who consider themselves respectable (but aren't), this just shows that quite a few people in supposedly responsible positions are willing to believe anything thrown out there about Sarah Palin, and run with it without checking." Amen.

We'll see if Us Weekly prints a retraction and/or apology. Don't bet on it.


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