Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Blue Dogs Defect to GOP

Via the L.A. Times, it seems that bullying conservative-minded Democrats into voting for Obamacare may have made these young, what would be formerly known as "Reagan Democrats" see the light and come back from the dark side. Maybe this is why, as an earlier post points out, Andrea Mitchell tried to claim Reagan on behalf of the Dems. She knows, as well as the DNC, that the country has a history of conservatism and that the powerful words and legacy of Reagan still lives on, despite the failure of the left to change history as they see it. Of course, after the mid-terms, they know their vote in support of Obamacare is a career-ender; so this may all be self-preservation as well.

"This shows that the midterm elections were no fluke. What we saw was a genuine realignment, not just a hiccup, at least in the South. The pretense that the current Democratic Party leadership of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid welcomed diversity of thought on policy died hard in the 111th Session of Congress. Instead of paying attention to conservatives and moderates in their ranks that expressed skepticism over ObamaCare and demanded the focus remain on the economy, Pelosi and Reid steamrolled them into voting for the deeply unpopular health-care bill — and consigned most of them to electoral losses last fall."-Ed Morrisey, HotAir.com


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