Thursday, February 03, 2011

Washington University Withdraws Speaking Invitation for Bristol Palin

All because she's a conservative. Or at least because she's the daughter of Sarah Palin, and that's the reason. They hate Sarah Palin so much (a woman they have been completely lied to about and don't even know) that they won't even let her daughter speak on their campus even though she was invited and the school would have profited from her appearance.

Nevermind the fact that other "controversial" speakers have appeared without any backlash whatsoever. Of course, they're not considered "controversial," because they were far-left fundamentalist Marxist and self-admitted Communists, such as disgraced former Green Jobs "czar" Van Jones (another in a long line of Obama-appointed radicals)

It makes me wonder if Ron Reagan, Jr. was invited (so he could discuss his total ignorance of medicine, yet knowledgeable enough to smear and disgrace the name of his father) would they consider him "controversial" because he's the son of a former conservative Republican president.
Of course not. And why? Because he's a liberal who didn't agree with (nor does it appear he even liked) his father. He's the son of someone the liberal elites can't stand just to hear the name of, so what's the difference with Bristol Palin?
I think I just answered that. Liberal elitist intolerance and hypocrisy.


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