Thursday, August 25, 2011

And So It Begins, The Actual Assention of Pedophilia to Normalcy

Just as I told you in this post, the left-wing craziness is reaching new heights with the latest report that now a group of psychiatrists are attempting to "normalize" pedophilia by starting with the sick premise that it's "ok" to look at children in a sexual manner.

Remember, the ACLU is already on board.

I told you. I told you. Although I thought the left through all their "if it feels good, do it" mantra would champion polygamy first, since I figured even the loony, child-porn-loving crazed left wouldn't dare to push sex with children this soon. I should have known. But even with the sexually charged photos of a then underage Miley Cyrus by a suspicious female photographer, who happened to be lesbian, the continual ads with underage children coming from all fashion designers, it seems, and the left's continued fascination with half-naked children, not to mention the New York Times fawning movie review of a tale of bestiality called in the review as a "beautiful love story," how can anyone be shocked that the left is condoning this sick, twisted evil behaviour. say what you will about the rights take on immigration, war, the rich, what have you, it is the left and always have been the ones who promote the most perverted means of self-gratifying "entertainment" with no regards to the safety of children.

Even if the right is wrong on gay marriage, they said the normalization of homosexuality would lead to this and they were called "crazy" and "uptight." Well, I would normally say, who's laughing now whenever the left is proved wrong (over and over and over) but I don't find this too amusing.

So lusting after children is to now be tolerated. Soon it will be promoted (like it isn't already-Hollyweird is even doing their part) Closet pedophiles of the world unite (maybe with NAMBLA) for your time has come. Soon, it will be a hate crime to even say the word pedophile, much less accuse anyone of it. Hm. Maybe that sick bastard Warren Jeffs should have waited a few years when having sex with a child would be considered not only "normal"but "beautiful" as well. Then he'd be a hero to the left since he would be sheltered from the bad, bad right and even have a movie made about him and put him on a pedestal telling how much of a victim he is. Why stop now? It's been working for the left for years.

This is only the beginning. Say goodbye to western civilization.


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