Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Liberal Media Continue to Lie and Cover for Obama

Not that I expected anything to change in the time I was away from this blog, but it really continues to amaze me how the liberal media will forever forgo the facts to save Barack Obama from losing his pathetic position as President of the United States.

In a recent GOP debate, Newt Gingrich called Barack Obama the "food stamp president." He said Obama is responsible for having the most people on food stamps than any president in history. This is absolutely true of course and as usual, the left can't handle the incompetence of their chosen one.

BSNBC's Martin Brashir and the biggest racist on the planet Al Sharpton for example have continued to mislead their tiny audiences. Brashir explicitly called Tea Party leader Judson Phillips a liar when Phillips reiterated Gingrich's factual claim on Monday. This is after he tried to label Gingrich a racist for saying anything negative about a black president of course.

As the segment began Bashir asked his guest why Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is doing so well.

"He has appealed to the conservative base of the Party," replied Phillips. "Everything he has thrown out, it's been absolute red meat to the base."

"I'm sorry," interrupted Bashir. "Just on that specific point, Judson, you say he's thrown out red meat to the base. Do you include in that those barely concealed, racially-charged, divisive comments about the President being a Food Stamps President?"

"There's nothing racial about that," answered Phillips. "He is a Food Stamp president. He's brought in more people on food stamps than any other American president in history."

"That's actually untrue," barked Bashir. "George W. Bush had more people on food stamps, not this president. That's a lie."

It isn't, although Bashir, Sharpton and the rest of the left clearly wishes it were to the point of they themselves lying to their audiences. This report, from all places the left-leaning Huffington Post clearly shows that President Obama has indeed relegated the most people in history to the food stamp program (now known as the Supplemental Nutrional Assistance Program (SNAP).

So not only is Obama the "food stamp president," he is also the "unemployment president," the "deficit president" and let's not forget the "credit rating reducing president."

How the left-wing media continues to collectively suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome is beyond me. Well, not really.


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