Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another Anti Global Warming VIdeo(s)

This one is in five parts. You can find it here, at the Friends of Science website. This is (I'm proud to say) a Canadian production and take on the global warming hysteria. I suggest the Quicktime version, as the Windows version requires software download. If your PC can handle that, by all means.
You'll find it's probably just as convincing as the "Great Global Warming Swindle" that was on the BBC, although it doesn't go into as much detail. There is some new testimony by different experts and the reappearence of at least one from the BBC show found on Google Video. That would be Professor Tim Ball from the University of Winnipeg.

Watch and learn.

Say no to Kyoto. In the end, all it will do is destroy our economy.

Also, I have found this, another global warming "denier" exposing Al Gore for what he is.


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