Thursday, May 14, 2009

Liberal Media Dump on Palin's Book-Which Isn't Even Written Yet

The Amazing Kreskins that they apparently are, the MSM is adament that Alasakan Governor, Sarah Palin's upcoming book, again, that's upcoming book will be full of hypocrisy and lies. They're are truly amazing, aren't they? Maybe it's not President Obama that's the Messiah and all the powers that go along with it, maybe it's the acolytes that make up the old media that are the seers of our future and socialist "prosperity."

As the article points out and the most obvious point that I thought of right away, where was the laughing and consternation when a young Illinois senator, with absolutely no experience and no accomplishments (remember, he bill-jacked the majority-if not all-of his resolutions in the Illinois State Senate) by the name of Barack Obama wrote not one book of fantasy-laden material, but two?

Wasn't it just two short posts ago I said this would happen? Didn't I tell you? I told you.


Anonymous Joe Independent said...

Like MOST of the fevered egos in this world, i'd appreciate that she accomplish something before she writes about it.

4:36 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

i take it then you didn't bother to to actually read my post, huh? Okay, just for your benefit I'll say it again.

Not only did she accomplish more than Obama (and really, continues to)when he was a senator in her first term as Governor (remember he didn't pass one single original bill that he alone authored in his first and only term) she pretty much accomplished more as Wassila mayor than he did as both senator and president (so far)

Also remember, she had more executive experience than Obama, Biden and McCain combined.

But all that didn't stop Obama from publishing two "memoirs" (which veracity of each can still not be confirmed)and the MSM from going gaga over how what a "brilliant" leader and writer he is. Give me a break!!

So now she wants to write about (and you can forget about the Olberloon lies about a ghost writer, too-she does have a journalism degree) her experience in with the bias, hateful MSM and running for Vice-President and you want to say SHE has a "fevered ego?"

Please research before you comment, It's painfully obvious you didn't on this one.

8:03 pm  
Anonymous Joe Independent said...

Actually, I was just trolling you on that one.

11:25 pm  

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