Saturday, May 09, 2009

Man Detained by Police for Displaying Patriotic Bumper Sticker

The radical lef,t in their war on freedom have claimed their first victim. A real victim, not like the false attention-seeking whackos like those who hold a majority in the United States Senate and power in Hollywood.

Because of Janet Napolitano's hate-filled screed of anything right-wing, now patriotic, freedom-lovers everywhere are under watch by her "blueshirts." That being the nation's State police forces and FBI now under her and Eric Holder's command. Coming soon, Obama Youth and National Secret Police. Gestapo anyone? Not anytime in Bush's eight years as president did he have anyone under him with the power to harass and/or arrest a private citizen that excorcised their freedon of speech and liberty.

What ever happened to that "state of emergency" Bush was supposed to use to stay in power?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see this story all over conservative blogs. Does anybody ever question whether or not it really happened? The first place I saw it was from 'Townhall' from the guy who sells the bumper stickers. Never let fact-seeking ruin a chance to inflame right-wing paranoia.

11:50 am  

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