Saturday, August 08, 2009

Paul Krugman is a Waste of Sperm

Since the guy is such a champion for abortion, you think his parents could have set an example.

Why does this moron have a job? Why does anyone give him any credibility anymore? Not only should he not be allowed to write for the New York Times, he shouldn't be allowed to write on the sidewalk with chalk! Check out this idiotic, uninformed crap that he came up with this time. Seriously, I know I go off on the left when they project their own racism and violence onto the left, but let me say this, I would really like to kick this guy in the teeth. I thought Michael Moore and Kieth Olbermann were full of it. We now have a new king of bull.

And his queen should be Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Does the left have no other card to play? Are they really this hate-filled and dense? People are standing up for what they believe in. They're standing up to what they feel is socialist government policies that simply doesn't represent them and they're letting their voices be heard (although the Obama administation and his media enablers are doing everything they can to marginilize them as nazis, brownshirts and again, disgustingly, "tea-baggers")


CHRIS MATTHEWS: Put 100 of these people in a room. Strap them into gurneys. Inject them with sodium pentathol. How many of them would say "I don't like the idea of having a black president"? What percentage?

CYNTHIA TUCKER: Oh, I'm just guessing. This is just off the cuff. I think 45 to 65% of the people who appear at these groups are people who will never be comfortable with the idea of a black president.


Even black groups see through Krugman's liberal, race-baiting B.S.


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