Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oliver Stone to Put Hitler in "Context"

Here we go again. Oliver Stone is attempting to re-write history yet again. JFK, Born on the Fourth of July,W, Platoon; does this guy ever stop dreaming of his Utopian, communist America? Sure his movies are hits, even though they're hits based on damaging his own country. His only pro-America movie to date, World Trade Center, wasn't all that charismatic and truth be told, kind of boring. Yeah, it told about the bravery and commitment of the New York Fire Department and the pure hell that firefighters, John McGloughlin and Will Jimeno went through. It should have been a documentary, because as far as an entertainment vehicle went...not so much.

But now he wants to make Adolph Hitler, one of the most ruthless, evil men ever to walk the planet into a "nice guy." Or at least put him "in context." Now, does this not prove the left loves evil? My God! Oh yeah and Stalin was just "misunderstood."
A nice assessment by a commenter sums it up nice me thinks:
"I knew it was only a matter of time before someone tried to make “Springtime For Hitler” a reality and forgot to keep their tongue firmly in their cheek."


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