Random Thoughts
For today's enrty I just thought I'd rant about how the left has indoctrinated our youth, possibly to the point of no return.
As an adult college student enrolled in journalism (don't worry, I have no intention being one of "them") I have many ignorant classmates that apparently share not only the same thoughts, but the same brain. For starters, most of them have seen the ultimate crap that is "Loose Change" and from one or two viewings, they fall right in line with the rest of the sheep repeating the old (and I do mean old) claim that "Bush was behind 9/11", "controlled demolitions were used to bring down the twin towers", "bin Laden was CIA", "a missle hit the Pentagon" and all the rest of the dung that Dylan Avery espouses in his little movie. They can't back it up themselves, they simply regurgitate what the movie says. They say these things despite the fact that the movie uses cherry-picked half-quotes, pseudoscience and really shotty math. When confronted on these points, they simply cannot defend them. But since "Loose Change" is apparently "in" with today's younger, very impressionable college crowd, they feel it unsafe or uncool to go against the rest of their friends that have fallen headlong into this abomination.
They perpetuate this myth about September 11, 2001 by kissing Avery's butt (with some even going as far to say that "he's cute" as if that has anything to do with the content of the film) by linking the movie onto their blogs or MySpace pages, posting pictures of George Bush manipulated to look like a demon, following the rest of the Kool-Aid crowd by saying he's "the world's greatest terrorist" and so on. Of course these same 19-22 year-olds have no sense of history (a few going so far as to try and champion the re-writing of history by saying "were you there?" when I try to inform them that some of these so-called Hollywood "historical" dramas are not entirely historically accurate) They are, it seems, on the Oliver Stone bandwagon in believing communism is a good thing and that murdering dictators like Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Che Guevera, Fidel Castro and Kim Yong Il are "good guys" that should be idolized or worse yet, followed. Never mind the fact that if you mention any of these names (with perhaps the exception of Stalin) they have absolutely no clue of who you're talking about.
The real crime is when you get these people together in groups, they tend to laugh at names like Ronald Reagan, Margeret Thatcher and yes, George Bush. When challenged on their chuckles, they inevitably answer, "I don't know, I just don't like him/her." Of course, when I follow that up with "Why don't you like them?" They can't tell you. No doubt because CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC and up here the CBC, simply told them they don't. Seriously, you should read some of their MySpace blogs; talk about a journey into futility.
Of course, a lot of this ignorance comes from their liberal, ex-hippie, "Easy Rider" loving parents. But the majority of it comes straight from their friends who just go with the flow, never questioning the main stream media's motives. Even a recent 30-something instructor stated, following Dan Rather's debacle on Bush's National Guard service, that he was "set-up", if you can believe that one. Bush lied, but Rather was "set-up".
Another obvious point they refuse to concede is Bush's wire-tapping of suspected terrorists or terrorist allies within the U.S. borders. Forget the fact (or rather they already have) that this type of "spying" was an integregal part of foiling the latest plot by terrorists to blow up several commercial airliners in mid-air en route from England to the United States.
Even here in Canada, where 19 home-grown terrorists (all Muslim, I might add) were plotting to go into Parliament in Ottawa, blow up several Canadian landmarks and kill several Canadian politicians, including the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper by beheading him. The media white-washed it, and the kids of this land followed right in step. Amazingly, they were lead to believe that these "people" weren't "really that serious" and wouldn't have actually carried it out.
Maybe that's why Harper has refused to talk to the national media, instead he himself is choosing who gets to ask him questions (the reason being, despite what the liberal media will tell you, is after he tells his side of an issue, they write what they want about him, regardless of what he really said, in effect creating the news instead of simply reporting it) they keep on with the same old, tired myth of a "hidden agenda" despite the fact he has kept every campaign promise made to Canadians, save for one. And even that involves the Healthcare problem that no leader has been able to solve in the last 45 years, unless you believe in a two-tier system, or total privatization. My belaboured point is, if the media, their parents, or their teachers tell them something, they take it as the gospel, with out bothering to do any kind of research whatsoever.
In fact here in socialist Canada, the indoctrination is so bad, kids in elementary school are taught that multiculturalism is the only way to go, there is never an excuse for war, and, thanks to the ultra-left Pierre Trudeau and the re-constitution of 1982, Canada apparently has no history prior to that year. Christianity is taught in secular schools as "the great lie" and anyone associated with war, especially our fallen heroes of WWI & WWII are simply murderers and warmongers. Proof positive is the fact that hardly any Canadian child born post-1985 knows anything about Canada's war history. The fact that no movies or very few documentaries exist honouring these men and women speaks volumes.
When you have kids (and a lot of adults for that matter) that automatically shudder at the sound of the word "conservative" even if by their own admission they have no knowledge of, or even interest in history and/or politics, tells alot about not only their own ignorance, but the education system in this country.
As an adult college student enrolled in journalism (don't worry, I have no intention being one of "them") I have many ignorant classmates that apparently share not only the same thoughts, but the same brain. For starters, most of them have seen the ultimate crap that is "Loose Change" and from one or two viewings, they fall right in line with the rest of the sheep repeating the old (and I do mean old) claim that "Bush was behind 9/11", "controlled demolitions were used to bring down the twin towers", "bin Laden was CIA", "a missle hit the Pentagon" and all the rest of the dung that Dylan Avery espouses in his little movie. They can't back it up themselves, they simply regurgitate what the movie says. They say these things despite the fact that the movie uses cherry-picked half-quotes, pseudoscience and really shotty math. When confronted on these points, they simply cannot defend them. But since "Loose Change" is apparently "in" with today's younger, very impressionable college crowd, they feel it unsafe or uncool to go against the rest of their friends that have fallen headlong into this abomination.
They perpetuate this myth about September 11, 2001 by kissing Avery's butt (with some even going as far to say that "he's cute" as if that has anything to do with the content of the film) by linking the movie onto their blogs or MySpace pages, posting pictures of George Bush manipulated to look like a demon, following the rest of the Kool-Aid crowd by saying he's "the world's greatest terrorist" and so on. Of course these same 19-22 year-olds have no sense of history (a few going so far as to try and champion the re-writing of history by saying "were you there?" when I try to inform them that some of these so-called Hollywood "historical" dramas are not entirely historically accurate) They are, it seems, on the Oliver Stone bandwagon in believing communism is a good thing and that murdering dictators like Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Che Guevera, Fidel Castro and Kim Yong Il are "good guys" that should be idolized or worse yet, followed. Never mind the fact that if you mention any of these names (with perhaps the exception of Stalin) they have absolutely no clue of who you're talking about.
The real crime is when you get these people together in groups, they tend to laugh at names like Ronald Reagan, Margeret Thatcher and yes, George Bush. When challenged on their chuckles, they inevitably answer, "I don't know, I just don't like him/her." Of course, when I follow that up with "Why don't you like them?" They can't tell you. No doubt because CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC and up here the CBC, simply told them they don't. Seriously, you should read some of their MySpace blogs; talk about a journey into futility.
Of course, a lot of this ignorance comes from their liberal, ex-hippie, "Easy Rider" loving parents. But the majority of it comes straight from their friends who just go with the flow, never questioning the main stream media's motives. Even a recent 30-something instructor stated, following Dan Rather's debacle on Bush's National Guard service, that he was "set-up", if you can believe that one. Bush lied, but Rather was "set-up".
Another obvious point they refuse to concede is Bush's wire-tapping of suspected terrorists or terrorist allies within the U.S. borders. Forget the fact (or rather they already have) that this type of "spying" was an integregal part of foiling the latest plot by terrorists to blow up several commercial airliners in mid-air en route from England to the United States.
Even here in Canada, where 19 home-grown terrorists (all Muslim, I might add) were plotting to go into Parliament in Ottawa, blow up several Canadian landmarks and kill several Canadian politicians, including the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper by beheading him. The media white-washed it, and the kids of this land followed right in step. Amazingly, they were lead to believe that these "people" weren't "really that serious" and wouldn't have actually carried it out.
Maybe that's why Harper has refused to talk to the national media, instead he himself is choosing who gets to ask him questions (the reason being, despite what the liberal media will tell you, is after he tells his side of an issue, they write what they want about him, regardless of what he really said, in effect creating the news instead of simply reporting it) they keep on with the same old, tired myth of a "hidden agenda" despite the fact he has kept every campaign promise made to Canadians, save for one. And even that involves the Healthcare problem that no leader has been able to solve in the last 45 years, unless you believe in a two-tier system, or total privatization. My belaboured point is, if the media, their parents, or their teachers tell them something, they take it as the gospel, with out bothering to do any kind of research whatsoever.
In fact here in socialist Canada, the indoctrination is so bad, kids in elementary school are taught that multiculturalism is the only way to go, there is never an excuse for war, and, thanks to the ultra-left Pierre Trudeau and the re-constitution of 1982, Canada apparently has no history prior to that year. Christianity is taught in secular schools as "the great lie" and anyone associated with war, especially our fallen heroes of WWI & WWII are simply murderers and warmongers. Proof positive is the fact that hardly any Canadian child born post-1985 knows anything about Canada's war history. The fact that no movies or very few documentaries exist honouring these men and women speaks volumes.
When you have kids (and a lot of adults for that matter) that automatically shudder at the sound of the word "conservative" even if by their own admission they have no knowledge of, or even interest in history and/or politics, tells alot about not only their own ignorance, but the education system in this country.