I really don't know which way the voting is going to this coming tuesday. My heart and mind says the Republicans will hold the Senate, but may just lose the House...barely. But recently I've heard some rumblings about some reps coming back in some states and of course, I then heard John Kerry totally remind us of why he's a footnote in history: he basically calls the the soldiers in Iraq- who perhaps didn't get an education before their enlistment-stupid.
I was thinking that maybe he
was talking about Bush and just screwed up a joke. Then I was reminded of how Kerry really doesn't care for the men and women who wear the uniform of a United States soldier, nor does he have any respect
what-so-ever for the
customs and traditions of the U.S. military.
I also heard on Michael Medved's radio show that he apparently changed the "speech" he was supposed to give. Kerry cut 21 words out of the speech, including the
one word that would have made a diffrence-the word "us". It seems Kerry could have avoided this headache by stating,
"You know education-if you make the most of it,
study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't,
you get
us stuck in Iraq."
That's his defense, he screwed up a joke. Well, first off, it shows he can't even write his own jokes, even for teenagers. Second, if this truly was a joke about Bush's intelligence, why is Kerry the one to make it? He's no Einstein himself. I already re-published a Thomas Sowell column in which he wrote about how President Bush scored higher than Kerry on military intelligence tests. WHY OH WHY DON'T THE REPUBLICANS PUBLISH THIS? Also, why don't rich conservatives buy a major movie studio?
Regardless, Kerry has just sent some undecided voters the Republicans way, by
shooting off his big mouth, again. Can even Howard Dean be this insensitive?
But even with this goof by Kerry, with the help of the MSM to make this go away and minimize it, the race for Nov.7 remains tight. Although rest assured the media and the ever-so-accurate-Zogby polls will "show" that americans "don't really care" about this. What they really want is to get back to talking about how disgusting the Republicans are for having a type like Foley in their party, after all. Should they continue to be successful in diverting attention away from everyone seeing their real colors,
this is what will most assuredly be put up for a vote.
This must be stopped at all costs. Any vote for a Democrat is a vote for defeat.
But, I remind you of of Kerry's
past on his opinion of the United States military, among other moral indignations:
-"Partial birth abortions undermine a woman's right to choose." (Nov. 2003)
-Voted NO on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during another crime. (Mar. 2004)
-Voted NO on banning partial-birth abortions. (Oct. 1999)
-voted NO on banning human cloning. (Feb. 1998)
-On board with expanding embryonic stem-cell research (one that has shown absolutely no promise or positive results, as opposed to adult stem-cell research) (June 2004)
-"Economy is recovering for corperations,
to some degree." (Jan. 2004)
-Voted NO to 1998 GOP budget. (May 1997)
-Would change Patriot Act (Oct. 2004)
-Said President Bush spent $5.6 trillion, instead of the actual $236 billion (in a time of war, no less) (Oct. 2004)
-Questions the ultimate practicality of Affirmitive Action, but continues to support it anyway (and it's outdated usefulness) "now and into the future". (Apr/Mar. 2004)
-"Raising the minimum wage is a working woman's issue." *JUST WOMEN? (Aug. 2004)
-Voted for Patriot act, but alarmed at "Patriot II". (Oct. 2003) Since he voted for the Patriot Act, I guess he can now claim to have the right to vote against it.
-Claimed to paraphrase Mary Cheney, who alledgedlly said that "[being] gay is not a choice.", instead of stating his own beliefs. (Oct. 2004)
-Defence of Marriage Act is "fundamentally ugly" (Apr. 2004)
-Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell-phone wire-tapping. (Oct. 2001) FIRST VOTE AFTER 9/11
-Voted YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities and women. (divirting funds for needed products to special intersts-or favoured-groups) (Mar. 1998)
-Wanted a "sunset provision" in the Patriot Act. (June 2003)
-Voted NO on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sept. 1996)
-Voted NO on banning Affirmitive Action hiring with federal funds. (July 1995)
-Falsely claimed that President Bush wanted to eliminate federal assisstance to local police. (Oct. 2003) *This was in fact due to the Clinton cuts to local and federal police, as well as state police, the military and the U.S. intelligence communities.
-Voted NO on mandatory prison terms for crimes involving firearms. (May 1994)
-Voted NO on increasing penalties for drug offences. (Nov. 1999)
-Voted NO on public school vouchers in DC (Sept. 1997)
-Voted NO on $75 M for abstinence education. (July 1996)
-Voted NO on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer. (July 1994)
-In favour of more foreign language coarses and foreign-exchange students. (Feb. 2001)
-Voted YES on disallowing an oil-leasing program in Alaska's AMWR. (Nov. 2005) *
But yet, keeps voting down idea after idea for new energy alternatives.-Voted YES on removing consideration of drillimg AMWR from budget bill. (MAR. 2003)
-Voted NO on drilling ANWR on national security grounds. (Apr. 2002)
-Voted NO on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling. (Apr. 2000)
-Voted NO on approving nuclear waste repository. (Apr. 1997)
-Voted NO on renewable and solar energy. (June 1999)
-Voted YES on killing a bill for trade sanctions if China sells weapons. (Sep. 2000)
-Voted NO on the strengthening of the trade embargo against Cuba. (Mar. 1996)
-Voted YES on ending Vietnam embargo. (Jan. 1994)
-Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (July 2005)
-Voted NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
-Voted YES on reauthorizing the Patriot Act. (Mar. 2006)
-Voted YES on another round of military base closures. (May 1999)
-Voted NO on prohibiting same-sex basic training. (June 1998)
-Voted NO on 1996 Defense Appropriations. (Sep. 1995)
-Voted YES on allowing illegal immigrants to participate in Social Security. (May 2006)
-Voted NO for limitless welfare for immigrants. (1997)
-Voted NO on repealing Clinton's ergonomic rules on repetitve stress. (Mar. 2001)
-Voted NO on allowing workers to choose between over-time and comp-time. (May 1997)
-Voted NO on replacing farm price supports. (Feb. 1996)
-Would have "given Clinton the power to use force if necessary. (Oct. 2004)
-"Iraq is diverting our attention fronm the real war on terror." (Sep. 2004)
-"Iraq wasn't the center of the war on terror before our invasion." (Sep. 2004)
-"Make sure the outcome of the war honors soldier's nobility." (Sep. 2004)
-"U.N. sanctions were to remove the WMD's, not Saddam." (Oct. 2004)
-"It was a coalition of three countries when we went to war." (Sep. 2004)
-"Don't miss a third opportunities to bring in the U.N." (Sep. 2003)
-He was the only veteran to testify to congress about Vietnam.
-"Accused U.S. governmnent of war crimes, not veterans." (Jan. 2004)
-Vietnam war was "criminal hypocricy" and "tore apart U.S." (Apr. 1971)
-"Bush went to war the wrong way, I voted for the right way." (Jan. 2004)
-Voted Yes on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct. 2002)
-Voted NO on $86 billion for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, (Oct. 2003)
-Votes NO on using all necessary force on Kosovo. (May 1999)
and so forth...
It seems like it's going to be a tight one. We'll find out Tuesday.
Just for fun,
here's some
things on
Kerry you
might want to know.
Source for voting record: