Progress Ignored...Again
When General David Patraeus went before Congress last September, many members on the Democrat side decided not to believe the good general when he told them the "surge" was indeed working and they used disgusting language obviously meant to discredit and insult Patraeus. You remember Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton (you know, the "Fairness Sisters", a little name I have for them in light of their support of the "Fairness Doctrine") making statements such as,
"Your assessment of the situation requires a state of disbelief", despite overwhelming facts on the ground that were miraculously also ignored by the MSM.
This time he's briefing the Senate Armed Services Committee and once again, Patraeus is being vilified and having his time wasted by the terrorist apologists, who seem to have nothing better to do than to call this honorable man a liar.
Once again, the general had to set the record straight (for which they know the actualities, but choose to embarrass themselves, their constituents and their country by wasting everyone's time with repeating the Liberal doctrine of incessantly repeating the same old, tired lies, not to mention the same, old, tired questions just wrapped in a different, not new, but different package.
Of course the master of ignorance and deception (no not Hillary...this time) Ted *HIC* Kennedy tried his best to paint Patraeus into a corner by getting him to admit to things that simply are not true, but the general would have none of it.
Why does the Looney Left continue to embarrass themselves, their families, friends and country with their insane, attention-seeking ways? (that of course is rhetorical)
It's not the first time, of course and it most certainly won't be the last.
And while I'm at it, these ridiculous claims by Clinton, Obama, Reid (boy, where has he been such he proudly and mistakenly stated, "the war is lost") Kennedy and Kerry that the al-Maliki government is coming together on political benchmarks set forth by the U.S.-led coalition forces and the UN wouldn't be happening if it not for the aforementioned people "threatening" the Iraqi government and its leaders to pull out all the troops if things didn't improve politically.
Maj. Gen. (MG) Rick Lynch, Commander of Multi-National Division-Center nips that ridiculous claim in the bud as well.
These people will never, ever admit they're wrong. Which is sad. In a case like this, wouldn't you want to be?
"Your assessment of the situation requires a state of disbelief", despite overwhelming facts on the ground that were miraculously also ignored by the MSM.
This time he's briefing the Senate Armed Services Committee and once again, Patraeus is being vilified and having his time wasted by the terrorist apologists, who seem to have nothing better to do than to call this honorable man a liar.
Once again, the general had to set the record straight (for which they know the actualities, but choose to embarrass themselves, their constituents and their country by wasting everyone's time with repeating the Liberal doctrine of incessantly repeating the same old, tired lies, not to mention the same, old, tired questions just wrapped in a different, not new, but different package.
Of course the master of ignorance and deception (no not Hillary...this time) Ted *HIC* Kennedy tried his best to paint Patraeus into a corner by getting him to admit to things that simply are not true, but the general would have none of it.
Why does the Looney Left continue to embarrass themselves, their families, friends and country with their insane, attention-seeking ways? (that of course is rhetorical)
It's not the first time, of course and it most certainly won't be the last.
And while I'm at it, these ridiculous claims by Clinton, Obama, Reid (boy, where has he been such he proudly and mistakenly stated, "the war is lost") Kennedy and Kerry that the al-Maliki government is coming together on political benchmarks set forth by the U.S.-led coalition forces and the UN wouldn't be happening if it not for the aforementioned people "threatening" the Iraqi government and its leaders to pull out all the troops if things didn't improve politically.
Maj. Gen. (MG) Rick Lynch, Commander of Multi-National Division-Center nips that ridiculous claim in the bud as well.
These people will never, ever admit they're wrong. Which is sad. In a case like this, wouldn't you want to be?