Thursday, October 27, 2011

Justice Department Grants Big Government Authority to Lie

Via Moonbattery...

A proposed rule to the Freedom of Information Act would allow federal agencies to tell people requesting certain law-enforcement or national security documents that records don’t exist — even when they do.

Under current FOIA practice, the government may withhold information and issue what’s known as a Glomar denial that says it can neither confirm nor deny the existence of records.
The new proposal — part of a lengthy rule revision by the Department of Justice — would direct government agencies to “respond to the request as if the excluded records did not exist.”
That is, the Injustice Department is granting the government authority to evade the law by telling lies. By a remarkable coincidence, the department is headed by a skeevy dissimulator who was recently caught lying to Congress about his involvement in the Fast & Furious gunrunning operation.

A Touchstone of Transparency?

Seen enough yet?

Schultz & Gray AKA Mutt & Jeff

I think Sgt. Ed Schultz, who has never turned down an opportunity to spread fear and misinformation and do exactly what Ann Coulter has been warning for years-liberals will always project on conservatives what they themselves are accused of-oce again has lowered the IQ of anyone within distance of his irritating voice. This time he brought along disgraced former Florida congressman Alan Grayson to help along with the GOP hate-fest and race-baiting.

GRAYSON: For Paul Ryan or any Republican to talk about this, to talk about the president inciting the politics of division is much like O.J. saying he's going to devote his life to finding the real killer. They're the real killers.

These two side-show losers are the epitome of what MSLSD has to offer in terms of talent or brains. 'Nuff said.

Not quite. Didn't O.J. get found "not guilty?" Isn't Grayson saying O.J. is guilty because he is black? Wow. What racism.
That's liberal-think for you.
And as for the Sarge, does he even remotely care about history or the truth? That's rhetorical of course, as he has absolutely no interest in admitting the history of violence on the left. He knows it to be sure, but from some sort of reverse osmosis, he's convinced himself, like all far-left moonbats that it never happened. From Stalin to Ayers, it just never happened.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Michael Moore: Liar Extraordinaire

Not unlike multi-millionaire rap mogul Russel Simmons and his side-kick, the racist punk Kanye West, who wasn't shy about showing off his "bling" to the OWS crowd, propaganda film-maker Michael Moore says he isn't part of the so-called one percent that make up the American populace that isn't rich, but rather he's one of them, the 99 percent of "destitute" hippies that adorn Wall Street.

As anyone with a thimble full of common sense and not hallucinating on LSD like those he's trying to impress knows, that is a steaming pile of B.S. Moore is worth at least $50 million or more and has even had stock in Halliburton and other "evil" oil companies. Only when author Peter Schweizer exposed his dealings in stocks of said companies did he drop them from his portfolio (after making hundreds of thousands of dollars, of course)
Not only that, when he talks about race equality, he's also blowing smoke (probably from a $100 Cuban) as he apparently doesn't think minorities can do his films justice.

Don't fall for this clown. He's full of it as much as he claims the "rich, white, right" is.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Lies of Obama


That's what any Obamaphiles reading this will scream through their blood-soaked underwear (a little Sean Penn for ya) because they simply refuse to comprehend that their Dear Leader, Das Wunderkid himself would ever lie. Well, here are some of the most egregious since (and before) he took office. All the while, the mainstream, Obama-loving media at CNN, ABC, NBC , PBS, MSNBC, NPR, Newsweek, TIME and the New York Times continue to shill for "The One" like it's their mission in life.

2008 Campaign Lies

"Take our nuclear weapons off hair-trigger – “the current alert posture … should not be changed."

"Mr. Ayers as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” but “not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis."
News Busters

"I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps"
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Obama campaign would accept public funding

Minimum Wage will increase to $9.50/hr
A Socialist

"Ann Dunham spent the months before her death in 1995 fighting with insurance companies that sought to deny her the coverage she needed to pay for treatment."
Mounting Heath Care Lies

Didn’t know Jeremiah Wright was Radical
Dreams of My Father – A radical Socialist.

Would have the most transparent administration in History
Cato Institute

"We will go through our federal budget – page by page, line by line – eliminating those programs we don’t need, and insisting that those we do operate in a sensible cost-effective way."
Boston Globe

"I’ll get rid of earmarks"
Source: Any bill passed during presidency

"When a bill lands on my Desk, The American people will have 5 days to review it before I sign it".
Campaign Speech

"My father served in World War II."
The Videos and the Facts

Have troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2009
News Video

"Seniors Making less than 50,000 will not have to pay taxes"

Would not vote for any bill supporting troop funding without a firm withdrawal commitment from the Bush Administration.He has done nothing but continue the Bush admins strategy and to explain how the “surges total failure” has now become his greatest achievement.

"Present Votes Are Common In Illinois"
NPRHuffington Post

"I won Nevada"
The Nation

"I don’t Have Lobbyists"
US News

"My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad"
Crooks and Liars

I Have Always Been Against Iraq"
Washington Post

"My Wife Didn’t Mean What She Said About Pride In Country"

"Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity."
Obama Campaign Video

"I Barely Know Rezko"
Sun Times

"My Church Is Like Any Other Christian Church"
ABC News

Lies During First Year

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Obama Inauguration. 20 Jan 2009

Cut Deficit in Half by end of first term
Associated Press Video

Health Care deals will be covered on C-spanObama Lies

As President I will recognize the Armenian GenocideABC
Recovery Act will save or create jobsABC News
Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without stimulus.Obama Lies
No Earmarks in the $787 Billion Stimulus

I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care planSpecator.Org
We have launched a housing plan that will help responsible families facing the threat of foreclosure lower their monthly payments and refinance their mortgages.
Obama Lies

I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage.

Guantanamo bay to be closed within a year
Council on Foreign Relations.

Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.
Businessweek: Obama Agnostic on taxesList of Tax Promise Violations

Lies During Second Year

No signing statements to nullify or undermine congressional instructions as enacted into law
Obama Lies to Keep Czars

No “boots” on the ground LibyaAnyone that has worked with the AC-130 gunship can tell you, you need spotters to let aircraft know where the targets are. Usually it is Special Forces, Rangers etc trained for this mission. It’s CIA Agents in Libya on the ground

Reform will also rein in the abuse and excess that nearly brought down our financial system. It will finally bring transparency to the kinds of complex, risky transactions that helped trigger the financial crisis.
Obama Lies About Financial Reform Bill

All Americans WILL BE were, “surprised, disappointed and angry” about Lockerbie bomber
Obama Memo

I will not rest until the BP Oil Spill stops
Obama’s Schedule

The health care bill will not increase the deficit by one dime.
Campaign and Presidency
"If you like the health care plan you have you can keep it."

“Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., September 9, 2009.

ObamaCare Fee is not a new tax
Obama denies healthcare is a new tax on all Americans

"We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil."
Obama’s oval office speech in June 2010

"Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen."
Arizona Immigration Law

"Doctors choose amputation because they get better compensation. Greedy Doctors taking out tonsils for more money."
Claims never documented

"The Health Care Package will pay for itself"

"Republicans don’t have a single idea that’s different from George Bush’s ideas — not one. Hmm Immigration?

"We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care"
Democratic Debate Lies

"I am immediately instituting PayGo 'Pay as you go'"
Said during a speech immediately after the Trillion Dollar “Shovel Ready” bill.

"I got the Message from Massachusetts."
Daily Bail

Lies During Third Year...So Far

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it."
USA producing more oil than ever beforePetroleum Insights

Fence between US and Mexico is “Practically Complete”
Department of Homeland Security says 5%
Rich doesn’t pay their fair share.National Taxpayers Union

List and sources compiled by Obama Lies (

The Bizarre World of Radical Climate Science

The Media and Their Wilful Omissions and Bias During OWS

Former Soviet Citizen Tries to Talk Sense Into OWS Crowd

But of course, hippicrites and victims of communist indoctrination still know better than someone that lived under an iron-fisted government rule.
You'll notice the same ignorant lefty rhetoric and historical ignorance by the people this man talks to that ultimately results in their frustration in their inability to articulate why their there and why they oppose the very system that has made America flourish and that creates jobs by calling the man with the camera a racist. Surprised?

Unfortunately, there's a problem with the embedding code for the YouTube clip, but you can still follow the link here.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gaddafi Dead

Muammar Gaddafi, the brutal dictator that ruled Libya with cruelty and an iron fist for over 40 years was killed by Libyan rebels on Thursday as he begged for his life to the very people he tortured and killed. He was found in a drainage hole as he tried to flee with his remaining supporters in a military convoy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


When Joe Scarborough makes a point about the media's treatment of Republicans, it's an obvious observation. So why does he continually make insane points against them? He knows how the MSM works and how the sheep-like audience of MSNBC and the other liberal news outlets buy into every biased, white-washed story.

Well, this one is of the clearer former points, but it's one that isn't exactly earth-shattering news.


OWS Hippie Star A Columbia Graduate with Trust Fund

No wonder this flake who could be crying about leaving Brittany Spears alone has time to wander around seeking attention with the other OWS hippies. He has financiers looking out after him and his fortune.

Steven Crowder and the OWS Hippiecrites

Martin Bashir and Russel Simmons Don't See Anti Semitism at OWS

In what turned out to be a confirmation for liberals that don't want to hear what the rest of us already know, MSNBC host Marting Bashir (to his credit) asked Rap mogul Russel Simmons about the OWS message (either by independent anti Semetics or collectively) of rampant anti Semitism. Other than snarkly and ignorantly snapping "Where did you get that from? Bill O'Reilly or somebody?" Simmons at first attempted to brush aside the obvious before using an excuse of why some would feel that way (instead of outright condemning it) then denying it again, along with Bashir who said "I have been down there and I didn't see any of those signs," essentially torpedoing his own story.

But at least the question was broached and the sheep of the Mess audience were at least forced to take their self-imposed head out of the sand for second. I mean, if a MSNBC host said it to them, it's at least worth listening to, right?

But of course the typical first "O'Reilly" response from Simmons is just that, typical. He, along with the rest of the followers of the no message/irrelevant messages OWS crowd refuses to see anything wrong with most of the lazy, hippie under-30 entitlement seekers. But boy, were people like Simmons and Bashir Mach 5 quick to hurl unsubstantiated accusations at the Tea Party crowd.

What about Democrats opinion of the OWS crowd, as opposed to the Tea Party?
NANCY PELOSI: I support the message. (when back in 2010 she said the Tea Party movement were "astroturfers")
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I think it expresses is the frustration of the American people.
REP. ANDRE CARSON: "Some of them (Tea Party members)...would love to see you and me... hanging on a tree."
MAXINE WATERS: "They (the Tea Party) can go strght to Hell!"
CHARLES RANGEL: "libel the Tea Party, a movement that has absolutely nothing to do with the economic policies now in place"

Ans so on.

But with the OWS movement as the perfect Democrat diversion to their incompetent, criminal and anti-constitutional dealings in Washington, of course they support OWS. How else are thwey going to play the slight of hand game on the American people? President Obama with statememnts of support like those above for OWS knows who his 2012 campaign mantra will be aimed at. With the help of the liberal, Obama-loving media, the OWS "movement" has taken the spotlight off the Tea Party and he'll attempt to use it to his full dishonest advange. He'll even give them a concise (at the same time erratic) message that they and the media will push until November of next year in the hopes of the American people not noticing the hypocrisy.

A comment left summed up the MSNBC and MSM view nicely:

"Funny how, when neo-Nazis and Klansmen or other weirdos showed up at Tea Parties, they were discussed as being representative of the group. And no one believed any Tea Partier who said they hadn't seen them.
Now I don't know what Russell Simmons said about them, but he certainly is quick to write anti-Semites off as simply "infiltrators" latching on to a legitimate protest."

Although there indeed are "extremists" in both the Tea Party and Occupy wall Street, the Democrats and MSM willfully refuse to either see it and/or report it. At least the fringe of the OWS crowd. Perhaps if the media and moderate Dems ignored the "crazies" in both movements instead of using one or the other for political gain and desperate attempt to hold on to power and the insane benefits that go with it, maybe a common ground could be found that both Democrats and Republicans could work with to repair not only the economy in America, but they could also repair the ever-widening chasm of divisiveness, that before too long could wind up causing more than just that.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who Mourns For bin Laden?

Yep. The left. What else do you need to know?

The Anti Liberal Zone

I just found a great "anti liberal" blog at, appropiately titled "The Anti Liberal Zone" (
Give it a look-see. Good stuff.

The Great Unraveling

If The Tea Party Are Racist, What Are These Guys?

Remember, being tired of getting taxed up the whazoo during a recession and demanding the federal government be fiscally responsible is unadulterated racism. But openly having and supporting a group that nearly caused a whole race to go extinct as well as a poltical system that is responsible for millions upon millions of deaths in the 20th century alone is something that is apparently what America should be, and somethjing the current president whole-heartedly supports.

Walter E. Williams: Obama Takes Blacks for Granted Because of Democratic Monopoly On Their Votes

Years ago it was easy to be a racist. All you had to be was a white person using some of the racial epithets that are routinely used in song and everyday speech by many of today's blacks. Or you had to chant "two, four, six, eight, we don't want to integrate" when a black student showed up for admission to your high school or college. Of course, there was that dressing up in a hooded white gown. In any case, you didn't have to be sophisticated to be a racist.

Today all that has changed. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., pointed that out back in 1994 when the Republican-led Congress pushed for tax relief. Rangel denounced Republicans' plan as a form of modern-day racism, saying, "It's not 'spic' or 'nigger' anymore. (Instead,) they say, 'Let's cut taxes.'" That means the simple use of the N-word is not enough to make one a racist. If it were, blacks would be the nation's premier racists. Today it's the call for tax cuts that makes you a racist. That's why the "tea" party, short for "taxed enough already," is nothing more than organized racists. What makes tea partyers even more racist is their constant call for the White House and Congress to return to the confines of the Constitution.

Racism has other guises. Say that you're a believer in Martin Luther King's wish, expressed in his "I Have a Dream" speech, that our "children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." The call to judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin is really code for racism. There's no question about one's racial antipathy if he voted for measures such as California's Proposition 209, Michigan's Proposal 2, Washington state's Initiative 200 or Nebraska's Civil Rights Initiative 424. These measures outlaw judging people by the color of their skin for admission to college, awarding of government contracts and employment. The call for equal treatment is simply racism by stealth and is far more insidious than name-calling and hood-donning.
One might think that seeing as America elected its first black president, it would usher in the end of racism; but it's all a racist plot that's easily uncovered simply by asking: "Who really elected Obama to the presidency?" It surely wasn't black people. Of the 69 million votes that Obama received in the 2008 election, I doubt whether even 7 or 8 million came from blacks. That means white people put Obama in office, and that means he is beholden to white people, not black people.

You say, "Williams, that's preposterous! What's your evidence?" Just look at the unemployment statistics. White unemployment is 8 percent, and black unemployment is double that, at 17 percent, and in some cities, black unemployment is near 30 percent. It's gotten so bad under Obama's presidency that New York's Urban Justice Center has appealed to the United Nations Human Rights Council for help. But Obama's tired of black complaints. Obama told the Congressional Black Caucus to "Stop whining!" "Take off your bedroom slippers; put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complaining; stop grumbling; stop crying." This kind of talk is unprecedented. Just ask yourself: "When have I ever heard a Democratic or a Republican leader talk this way to his party's strongest supporters? Would Obama tell Jews to stop whining about Israel? Would he tell unions to stop grumbling about card check? Would he tell feminists, if they were complaining about sex discrimination, to shake it off?"

This kind of political treatment of blacks should not be surprising, because black people are a one-party people in a two-party system. That means Democratic politicians have learned to take the black vote for granted, and Republicans make little effort to get it. That's not smart for blacks to set themselves up that way.

Another Mess Host Outs Himself as Racist

Martin Bashir, the oh-so-smug English Muslim that fancies himself some sort of "journalist" (if this joke of a "host" is practicing the lefty school of journalism, then I guess he's nailed it) has finally become a true member of the closet racists (as well as anti Semitic) at MSNBC.

First he attempted in vain to defend his fellow Messer, Goldie Taylor's own racist attack on Herman Cain on Friday when she said Cain would "shed his ethnicity" that "if he could become what I would call the color of water, he would do it" for political advantage. Bashir then said, again in defence of Taylor, that Cain is "post-stupid." That alone, according to the liberal journalist playbook-which liberals themselves are exempt from of course-is a racist statement. He then followed that up by trying to convince his tiny audience that Cain "doesn't want to be associated with African-Americans." Again, according to the left, saying anything negative about a black man is racist, so, strike two.

But for strikes three through five (actually, chronologically speaking, these next links are strikes one through three) see what else Bashir's racist little mind thinks of Cain.

MSNBC's Bashir Again Gives Platform to Columnist Slamming Herman Cain As Self-hating Black Man

Martin Bashir Attacks Herman Cain During Eulogy For Civil Rights Leader Fred Shuttlesworth

Bashir on Cain's Calm Style: Republicans 'Do Not Want to Hear From a Black Man Who’s Aggressive, Assertive, Angry'

Man. Biased racism. How much lower can this worm crawl?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pedophiles Want Same Rights as Homosexuals

And they'll eventually get it too, with the imoral backing of Hollywood celebrities (who not long ago defended, some even advocating the rape of a 15-year old girl by director Polanski as not "really rape-rape") and the left-wing media. It all ties in with amoral lefties and misguided bleeding hearts that have no problem with this.

"We're all the same."

Emails Show Liberal Media Crafting OWS "Message" Then "Reports" On "Findings"

Bias? What bias?

The left-wing, bias, lying mainstream media are truly deplorable. Then again, what sort of support do you expect from a true "astro-turf" movement originally funded by liberal media mogul, George Soros?

'Breaking' Herman Cain By Jeannie DeAngelis

Democrats continue to maintain that by electing Barack Obama, they alone were the pioneering influence in addressing the dark stain on our nation's history called racism. The day after the 2008 election, African American writer Shelby Steele penned an article entitled "Obama's post-racial promise."

Steele argued that one reason Barack Obama won the election was that the idea of electing America's first black president "tapped into a deep longing in American life -- the longing on the part of whites to escape the stigma of racism." In other words, for whites tired of being accused of racism, electing Obama provided a viable avenue of escape.

Despite the historic milestone that was reached when Barack Obama was elected, the left felt it necessary after the fact to stand guard in the "Who's a Racist" watchtower, declaring their party the self-appointed Racism Police. Ironically, what is more evident than ever before is that the left's relentless defense of blacks has revealed the dark underbelly of the very intolerance they pretend to decry.

Shelby Steele argued that the election of Barack Obama assuaged a measure of white guilt; but the truth is that Democrats putting a black man in the Oval Office had little to do with skin color and everything to do with leftist political ideology. The very people who heralded the nation's rising above a historical stigma are now instigating a deeper, wider division by redefining racism as political disagreement with Obama.

In fact, with the next presidential election hovering on the horizon, what is being proven is that while the motivation for electing Barack Obama in 2008 may have been an attempt to triumph over racism, with Herman Cain now rising in the polls, the hollow nature of racial acceptance by the left is being exposed for the ruse it is.

Presently, the bad news for African-Americans is that the only thing worse than being a white Obama detractor is being a right-leaning black. Cain's candidacy confirms that if in 2008 Barack were a black conservative running against a white liberal, rather than being portrayed as a harbinger of "post-racial idealism" Obama would have been labeled an Uncle Tom.

What liberals fail to recognize is that, in much the same way they voted for Obama to supposedly embrace post-racism, assigning the title of racist to anyone who disagrees with liberal policies uncovers something ugly within themselves.

Democrats try to imply that black conservatives supporting Mr. Cain do so only because they identify with a deep and abiding self-loathing. The way Herman Cain is being characterized, it's apparent the left still expects blacks to think less of themselves -- an assumption that, if even suggested by someone on the right, would be immediately declared definitive proof of Republican racism.

Recently, MSNBC's liberal race-baiter, Ed Schultz, suggested that Cain just tells racist whites what they want to hear and maligned him for mentioning potential running mates like Jim DeMint (R-SC), whose words the left have pseudo-linguistically-analyzed, finding hidden racist undertones where none exist.

In a perfect example of ideology determining the presence of prejudice, the supposedly color-blind liberal Schultz claimed that DeMint used "racist language in his opposition to ObamaCare." In post-racial America, the South Carolina congressman is accused of "dark racial discourse" because he said, "If we are able to stop Obama on this [health care law], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

Director of Afrikaner studies at Lehigh University, Dr. James Pearson, concurred with Schultz. Pearson interpreted the words "it will break him" as an "old southern racist term...used to destroy, mentally and physically, slaves."

Clearly, the post-racial left is obsessed with transforming American politics into a perpetual test. Every word spoken by critics is summarily subjected to a filter where a benign word like "break" now implies approval of oppressive slavery. What Ed Schultz and liberals like him fail to recognize is that applying the "racist" rubric to every conservative utterance is, in essence, an attempt to "break" black candidate Herman Cain.

Yet its liberals who insinuate that Herman Cain is a man so self-hating that he gives "folks a pass" on racism. Those who make such peculiar accusations reveal themselves to be the true racists that Shelby Steele suggested had chosen to vote for Obama based on an unspoken promise to not hold the perception of racism against them. Yet racism is what shapes liberal opinion of a man whose conservative politics weaken their concepts of authentic blackness and whose race is secretly held against him by those on the left regardless of race.

By saying "It's almost as if this guy is trying to warm up to them and tell them what they want to hear," Schultz calls into question the black presidential candidate's veracity, honesty, and commitment to foundational principles.

Is that how Democrats view all black men, or just Herman Cain? The left seems convinced that Cain panders to "white Republicans, who don't like black folks," which ends up being evidence of insidious racism that implies blacks are somehow unlikeable. Moreover, it suggests Herman Cain can't think for himself and hasn't the ability or character to possess core convictions of his own.

Listening to Ed Schultz, one would think the confident, articulate Herman Cain is a race-baiting manipulator who uses empty words in his quest for power and uses as stepping-stones the overburdened shoulders of his own people. Sound familiar?

The MSNBC drone also believes Cain does a "disservice to his race" by denying that "racism in this country today holds anybody back in a big way." What Ed Schultz, who most certainly voted for Obama, fails to acknowledge is that if Obama had been uneducated, he would never have been elected president, proving correct Cain's premise that education, not skin pigmentation, holds black Americans in bondage to poverty and low achievement.

The left continues to portray Democrats as something they are not, and do so by attempting to point out non-existent racial hostility on the part of political adversaries. Yet despite the effort, something the left didn't anticipate was that the candidacy of Herman Cain, not the election of Barack Obama, would end up exposing the party where America's true racists reside.

Liberals prove Shelby Steele's premise to be true -- their support of Barack Obama holds little weight or evidence of racial reform on their part. It's all about power and ideology. If that weren't so and lasting change had really taken place, being at odds with Obama wouldn't be considered racism, nor would smearing potential black presidential candidate Herman Cain be so widely accepted by the left.

'Breaking' Herman Cain By Jeannie DeAngelis

Democrats continue to maintain that by electing Barack Obama, they alone were the pioneering influence in addressing the dark stain on our nation's history called racism. The day after the 2008 election, African American writer Shelby Steele penned an article entitled "Obama's post-racial promise."

Steele argued that one reason Barack Obama won the election was that the idea of electing America's first black president "tapped into a deep longing in American life -- the longing on the part of whites to escape the stigma of racism." In other words, for whites tired of being accused of racism, electing Obama provided a viable avenue of escape.

Despite the historic milestone that was reached when Barack Obama was elected, the left felt it necessary after the fact to stand guard in the "Who's a Racist" watchtower, declaring their party the self-appointed Racism Police. Ironically, what is more evident than ever before is that the left's relentless defense of blacks has revealed the dark underbelly of the very intolerance they pretend to decry.

Shelby Steele argued that the election of Barack Obama assuaged a measure of white guilt; but the truth is that Democrats putting a black man in the Oval Office had little to do with skin color and everything to do with leftist political ideology. The very people who heralded the nation's rising above a historical stigma are now instigating a deeper, wider division by redefining racism as political disagreement with Obama.

In fact, with the next presidential election hovering on the horizon, what is being proven is that while the motivation for electing Barack Obama in 2008 may have been an attempt to triumph over racism, with Herman Cain now rising in the polls, the hollow nature of racial acceptance by the left is being exposed for the ruse it is.

Presently, the bad news for African-Americans is that the only thing worse than being a white Obama detractor is being a right-leaning black. Cain's candidacy confirms that if in 2008 Barack were a black conservative running against a white liberal, rather than being portrayed as a harbinger of "post-racial idealism" Obama would have been labeled an Uncle Tom.

What liberals fail to recognize is that, in much the same way they voted for Obama to supposedly embrace post-racism, assigning the title of racist to anyone who disagrees with liberal policies uncovers something ugly within themselves.

Democrats try to imply that black conservatives supporting Mr. Cain do so only because they identify with a deep and abiding self-loathing. The way Herman Cain is being characterized, it's apparent the left still expects blacks to think less of themselves -- an assumption that, if even suggested by someone on the right, would be immediately declared definitive proof of Republican racism.

Recently, MSNBC's liberal race-baiter, Ed Schultz, suggested that Cain just tells racist whites what they want to hear and maligned him for mentioning potential running mates like Jim DeMint (R-SC), whose words the left have pseudo-linguistically-analyzed, finding hidden racist undertones where none exist.

In a perfect example of ideology determining the presence of prejudice, the supposedly color-blind liberal Schultz claimed that DeMint used "racist language in his opposition to ObamaCare." In post-racial America, the South Carolina congressman is accused of "dark racial discourse" because he said, "If we are able to stop Obama on this [health care law], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

Director of Afrikaner studies at Lehigh University, Dr. James Pearson, concurred with Schultz. Pearson interpreted the words "it will break him" as an "old southern racist term...used to destroy, mentally and physically, slaves."

Clearly, the post-racial left is obsessed with transforming American politics into a perpetual test. Every word spoken by critics is summarily subjected to a filter where a benign word like "break" now implies approval of oppressive slavery. What Ed Schultz and liberals like him fail to recognize is that applying the "racist" rubric to every conservative utterance is, in essence, an attempt to "break" black candidate Herman Cain.

Yet its liberals who insinuate that Herman Cain is a man so self-hating that he gives "folks a pass" on racism. Those who make such peculiar accusations reveal themselves to be the true racists that Shelby Steele suggested had chosen to vote for Obama based on an unspoken promise to not hold the perception of racism against them. Yet racism is what shapes liberal opinion of a man whose conservative politics weaken their concepts of authentic blackness and whose race is secretly held against him by those on the left regardless of race.

By saying "It's almost as if this guy is trying to warm up to them and tell them what they want to hear," Schultz calls into question the black presidential candidate's veracity, honesty, and commitment to foundational principles.

Is that how Democrats view all black men, or just Herman Cain? The left seems convinced that Cain panders to "white Republicans, who don't like black folks," which ends up being evidence of insidious racism that implies blacks are somehow unlikeable. Moreover, it suggests Herman Cain can't think for himself and hasn't the ability or character to possess core convictions of his own.

Listening to Ed Schultz, one would think the confident, articulate Herman Cain is a race-baiting manipulator who uses empty words in his quest for power and uses as stepping-stones the overburdened shoulders of his own people. Sound familiar?

The MSNBC drone also believes Cain does a "disservice to his race" by denying that "racism in this country today holds anybody back in a big way." What Ed Schultz, who most certainly voted for Obama, fails to acknowledge is that if Obama had been uneducated, he would never have been elected president, proving correct Cain's premise that education, not skin pigmentation, holds black Americans in bondage to poverty and low achievement.

The left continues to portray Democrats as something they are not, and do so by attempting to point out non-existent racial hostility on the part of political adversaries. Yet despite the effort, something the left didn't anticipate was that the candidacy of Herman Cain, not the election of Barack Obama, would end up exposing the party where America's true racists reside.

Liberals prove Shelby Steele's premise to be true -- their support of Barack Obama holds little weight or evidence of racial reform on their part. It's all about power and ideology. If that weren't so and lasting change had really taken place, being at odds with Obama wouldn't be considered racism, nor would smearing potential black presidential candidate Herman Cain be so widely accepted by the left.

The Democrats will never live down their deplorable history on race - from slavery itself, to Jim Crow, to using the filibuster to block anti-lynching laws and civil rights acts. They only came around when sufficient progress had been made that the electoral calculation was turning against them. Their only interest is power, nothing else. As columnist Star Parker has observed, the Dems have done their best to destroy the black family in order to keep a client population dependent on them. There is nothing more hideous than the Democrat record on race. The other thing that drives them crazy is that this "not black enough" argument just slips off Cain's back. He just laughs at it. He will not win with their votes, nor does he need their votes to win. And that is another thing they can't stand.

MSM Barely Reporting 'Fast & Furious', MSNBC Still Not Reporting Solyndra at All

Since the "Fast and Furious" scandal story about Obama officials knowingly and aggressively selling illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels (which the establishment liberal press wanted Reagan impeached for during the seemingly comparative Iran Contra fiasco) barely any media establishments have covered it. MSNBC has still to mention it at all, save for Rachel Maddow, along with the AP attempting to place the blame on George W. Bush.

Comparatively, it's been about two months since the original story broke about the energy company Solyndra going bankrupt a year after receiving a $200 million-plus bailout from the Obama administration. Barely any mainstream news outlets have covered or even mentioned it.

The mainstream media, for Liberals, by Liberals.

Will Media Report Racism and Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protests?

You know, real racism? Yeah, right.

Media Continue to Cover OWS Favorably, Continue to Deride Tea Party

As I've been saying for weeks, along with most right-wingers that can plainly see the willful hypocrisy, lies and hatred, yes hatred, of the mainstream, Obama-loving media towards the Tea Party. The same media that ignored, then derided the Tea Party for the last three years.

What Tea Party activist was arrested for violence or destruction of property? What Tea Party activist called for the end of the system that has made America the most free, most influential and one of the most non-oil producing, wealthiest countries known to man? What Tea Party activist has called for the deportation or death of the rich. When was the Tea Party ever supported by the American Communist and Nazi Parties? What OWS activist doesn't want to be well off, as much as they say they don't? Ask them privately, out of the shadow of their hippie friends and the glare of the cameras and see if they don't want more financial security for themselves and their family. Other, of course, from a result of their misguided and uninformed disillusions of Socialism. And just to note, what Tea Party activist left a single burger wrapper, pop bottle, home-made sign or any other piece of garbage behind for someone else to clean up?

In any event, the always hilarious and sometimes prophetic Ann Coulter (the scourge of the left, which makes me admire her even more) has another dead-on assessment of the love of the OWS crowd and documented and continued hatred of the Tea Party.

"The OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the Flea Party, not the Tea Party."

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Weathermen Underground: Looking to Exploit the OWS Minions

These are historical FACTS:
1) Barack Obama learned his politics in the heavily Democrat-run and corrupt Chicago.
2) William C. Ayers, an un-convicted domestic terrorist with the Weathermen Underground group of the 1970s hosted Obama's foray into public office in his home. Ayers-the leader of the Weathermen who were responsible for multiple bombings and the death of a police officer in Detroit, Michigan-was a tenured professor at the University of Illinois for years before his retirement and was quoted during his days with the Weathermen as saying "Bring the revolution home...kill your parents," and was/is known for his anti-American sentiments.
4) Ayres wrote glowing endorsements in favor of Obama as well as campaign contributions while Obama ran for both the Illinois State Senate and the White House.
5) Obama stated in multiple campaign speeches that he wanted "fundamentally transform" America. Ayers has said there "has to be change in any means necessary."
6) Ayers, along with his wife and Weathermen co-founder Bernadine Dohrn, had plans (or at least serious wishes) to violently overthrow the American government and pave the way for multiple Communist countries such as China, the Soviet Union and North Korea to control certain parts of the U.S. according to former disillusioned Weathermen member, Larry Grathwohl.

7) Many surviving members of the Weathermen Underground heavily support Obama even today from their positions of education and politics.
8) The so-called "Occupy Wall Street" crowd are the result of the "education" of the likes of Ayres and Dohrn. Many in Chicago are the direct result of their teachings and anti-Americanism.

With advisers like Ayers (as well as radical appointments beyond the reach of the Senate judiciary due to their unconfirmed status, such as Van Jones) and the media subjecting any and all opposition to the president as "racist," Ayres plot may be bearing fruit with the useful idiots that make up the OWS crowd, with President Obama being either a willing or uninformed participant, for another round of "Days of Rage."

Either way, William C Ayers is a good friend of president Barack Obama. Like it or not. Believe it or not. Name any radical of this nature that supports the Tea Party.
The Weathermen are still out there and are still active.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hannity and Bozell: Media Treatment of OWS Versus Tea Party, Cain

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Turns Out the OWS Crowd Does Love Capitalism Afterall

They scream and shout about not having jobs (which I guess is hard to find when you're camping out with your hippie friends kvetching about the people that actually create jobs) they try and scold the rest of us with their vast experience and knowledge in the workplace and about how the economy works-all at the wonderful average age of 25. Yes, a bunch of know-it-all world travellers those Occupiers.

But when they complain how capitalism is destroying the country they wanted to destroy first, maybe they shouldn't make their stench-filled hypocrisy so damned obvious.

They really should stop being so transparent and go back to demanding entitlements. Maybe then a little credibility will slowly come their way.

UPDATE: To the media:You may now start the "Occupy Wall Street crowd is anti-Semite" meme. Also, it's FOX's fault!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reverse Racism

Obama's Job Plan Stalls in Senate

President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Democratic-controlled Senate Tuesday night despite an ardent push by the White House.

Maybe because even the senate Democrats are finally starting to realize that the resson Obama is eneffectual is because of the company he keeps (I mean other than Bill Ayers)

Because of this, he wants to try that "I won" philosophy and by-pass Congress on any further spending bills.

Occupy Wall Street: The Tea Party They Are Not

And not for the reasons the looney left says, contrary to what their media buddies say as Brent Bozell explains.

This is the message from the OWS crowd?
Sound familiar?
"Kill all the rich people. … Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents." Sounds eerily like a quote from a certain Obama ally who was the leader of a certain "Weathermen" group, doesn't it?

Maybe My Math is a Little Fuzzy...

Like I Said...

Although I was initially speaking of the ultimate hypocrite, opportunist and fraud Micheal Moore, all the elitist media members that have come out to whole-heartedly support the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters (you'll notice no one on the right has demeaned them with any immature sexual names) should bite their toungues, as they aren't exactly having to eat stewed tomatoes out of a can.

Iranian Assassination Plot Inside U.S.

The U.S. Justice Dept. has uncovered a plot that they claim was at least ok'd if not outright planned by a special operations branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., Adel A. Al-Jubeir.

The plot included bombing a restaurant said to be frequented multiple times a week by the ambassador in Washington. It also has been allegedly said that the highest levels of the Iranian regime was at least comfortable with any civilian deaths or other collateral damage.

The plot apparently included a Mexican "cutaway" agent, meaning if caught, Iran, as they are doing, could deny any involvement.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has vowed to send a "strong message" to Iran.

I have to go with the majority of people questioning the logic of this alleged attempt. What would Iran have to gain assassinating the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hypocrite Obama Rolling in Wall Street Dough

For all you "Occupy Wall Street" supporters who really don't know what you're supporting (I mean other than the young, wanna-be hippies still living at home "teeting" of of their parents dime and what their America-hating, tenure-protected university "professors" tell them) you may want to know who else supports them and WHY.

I mean other than needing a counter-balance and distraction to real patriots in the Tea Party to sell to his already on-board and enabling Obamedia and thick-headed followers.

The Tea Party: Wants government fiscal responsibilty. Media answer: RACIST TEABAGGERS!
Occupy Wall Street: Wants government handouts and entitlements. Media answer: AMERICAN PATRIOTS!

Hell? Meet handbasket.

The Sarge is Stuck On Stupid

I wasn't even going to post this. I think we've all about heard enough from the irrelevant (which is reason enough for my hesitation about posting) race-baiting Sgt. Schultz of The Mess NBC. I guess I continue to just for a good laugh. Because, really, that's all this guy is good for-a hearty laugh.
I have absolutely no idea why the network bigwigs keep this guy around. He barely draws flies for ratings (as well as crowds for his ill-fated "One Nation" rally) he must be doing certain "favours," I don't know; but he has to be doing something on the side to keep his job. I mean we all know he's a complete and udder idiot. Even the left admits to that. But don't the powers-that-be at NBC even care about ratings? Or their credibility? Evidently not.

Once again, the Sarge has played the tired ol' race card to demean Republicans. He must have a lot of them, because he certainly pulls them out of his butt every five minutes (or less).

Did you catch that little line of ultimate hypocrisy from Captain Moron?

"It's a mindset of the Republican party. If they don't hear what they want to hear they want everybody else to shut up. But it's also that dirty little secret of the Republican party: they've got a real issue with race."

It's just like what Ann Coulter said, "If you want to know what Liberals/Democrats are up to, just listen to what they accuse Conservative/Republicans of."

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Racist O'Donnell Attempts Smear on Cain

Well, he would have to be raaaaccist wouldn't he? I mean he, a priveleged white man, dared to ask a self-made black man about civil rights. How dare he right?

That's the LibThink these days isn't it?

Dead Mexican Nationals Because of Fast and Furious, Media Now Mum

So the lefty media wondered aloud countless times about the "poor Mexican families" that would be broken up if illegal alien parents of anchor babies were to be rightfully (at least legally) deported for financial and social burdens. Now that there are actual dead Mexican citizens because of Eric Holder's incompetence and now denial of any of the goings on involved with it (of course Obama knew nothing about it-cough cough) the media can't quite seem to bring themselves to hold Holder and Obama accountable. Nor do they seem to be all that concerned about the outcome of such blatant mismanagement and secrecy from the "most transparent administration ever." Even if that outcome involves dead innocent citizens.

Mark Steyn wonders where all the apathy has gone as well.

By the way, not too many "journalists" are chomping at the bit to question the POTUS about this one. Hmm. It must be close to an election year for an incumbent president or something.

Down with Corporations

Just sayin'.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Historically Ignorant Behar Tries the Old GOP Race Card Again

Once in a while The View's Elizabeth Hasselbeck (who's husband Matt quarterback's the Tennessee Titans, so you know that Behar and the other liberal hens on the set are cheering against them) comes up with a good quip that leaves her co-stars stunned and searching for a typical liberal response to save face (her greatest moment was challenging ultra loon and former co-host Rosie O'Donnell to the point that Baghdad Rosie left the show)

This was one of those times as GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain was the guest and Behar trotted out the tired old liberal accusation and historical re-write of GOP racism when she tried to paint a farcical history of the Republicans, stating, "the Republican Party hasn't been black friendly over the many centuries in this country," Hasselbeck retorted with "Should we begin with Lincoln?"

Noel Sheppard has the predictable story of liberal no-nothingness.

Also if you saw the link, The Democrat Race Lie at the end of the Sheppard article, please be sure to give it a read. Did you know that suffragettes in the GOP started the NAACP? Or that Marting Luther King, Jr. was a Republican?

Also off of a link to the Democrat Race Lie is the truth behind the myth of "how Southern Democrats became racist Republicans."

And yet more on the Democrats and their attempt to hide, lie and change their shameful past in a column entitled "What a Bunch of Bull."

Liberals. If the lie fits...

Obama DOJ Screams at Reporter for Covering Fast and Furious

And it wasn't a review of the Vin Diesel movie franchise.
CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson was "screamed and cussed at" by Obama Dept. of Justice officials for following up on relevations coming out of the "fast and furious" scandal (which of course isn't to the left) Attkisson revealed to radio show host Laura Ingram. She felt the White House accused her of being "unfair and biased by pursuing it."

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

This is How the Left Would Rule

I guess it's par for the course that the left would use useful idiots like Roseanne Barr to forward their message (as of this writing, not a single soul from their side has admonished her for this-just like how they said nothing about her spitting after her disgusting "rendition" of the national anthem or dressing up like Adolf Hitler and baking "Jewish cookies.") What a disgusting human being.

"Imagine if anyone had said anything remotely like this at a Tea Party rally about socialism and socialists, even in jest.
"Just remember that when conservatives organize into grassroots movements, it’s almost always about protecting their own property and individual liberty. When leftists decide to start grassroots movements, like OccupyWallStreet or Barr’s example of leftist populism, it almost always involves seizure of property, threats of violence, and eventually re-education camps and the guillotine."
-Ed Morrissey, NewsBusters

And what say you MSM? Crickets. That's what.
By the way, Michael Moron is still trying to convince people that he's not one of the rich.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Obama: Anwar Al-Awlaki Death is Major Blow for al-Qaeda

Drone attacks killed American al-Qaeda leader, Anwar Al-Awlaki on Friday. President Obama said the death of senior US-born al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen is a "major blow" to the organisation.

Al-Awlaki was seen as potentially as a greater threat to the security of the United States than even Osama bin Laden as Al-Awlaki spoke fluent English, had a knack as a computer wiz and was seen as a better recruiter due to his calm demeanor and ability to indoctrinate American Muslims to the al Qaeda cause.

And although Al-Awlaki was linked to the Ft. Hood shootings, the attempted Time Square bombing and the attempted Christman Day bombing in Detroit in 2009 (allegedly among others) the dastardly ACLU has chimed in again with their anti-American rhetoric and delusions. This is not going to help Ron Paul's chances of diminishing the view of him as out of touch and weak on foreign policy.

Fast and Furious Document Shows “Extensive” Communication with White House

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