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All ye liberal lies and media bias, come no further.
Good job on the Rwanda thing, by the way. Isn't it funny how President Bush advocated the same thing, minus the Useless Nations "O.K." of it all. Of course he's shot down by the Democrats and the far-left in the country for metioning such a thing. Either that or he's chastized for not having enough troops available because of his "war for oil". If it's not mandated by the U.N. or by the liberals in Congress, forget about it. Unless there's a sure-fire way to lose, they're not interested.
Q: What can be done to stop the political unrest in Kenya?
A: I think that the U.S. and the African Union should try to help resolve some of the political questions. Should the election be re-run? Is there some way to get a power-sharing agreement between the current president and his challenger? It is important to get outside assisstance before things get totally out of hand.
To stop the political unrest in Kenya is to simply send troops in and stop the genocide by force. Ethiopoian forces did it successfully against their would-be Islamist oppressers in 2006, until they run them into the sea and American gunships obliterated them.
Q: Should the West use China's Olympics to highlight environmental and huma-rights concerns, or should it simply step back and enjoy the sports?
A: It is impossible to seperate those things. People are very concerned about China's behavior, both internally and externally. I hope people enjoy the sports and I hope Americans do well, but I think it's very hard to expect that politics will not enter in.
There's really nothing in that answer to disagree with, except to say, she could have mentioned the fact that Christians will be kept a close watch on and, just until recently they wern't allowed t even bring their Bibles in, but Muslims were allowed to not only bring their Korans with them, and to actively espouse the "merits" of Islam, but to also publicly demonize Chritianity. How's that for double standards with a communist twist?
Q: What are your thoughts on the immigration debate?
A: I'm troubled by it. When [my family] came from england during the War, people said, "You are welcome here. What can we do to help?" I am a beneficiary of the American people's generosity, and I hope we can have comprehensive immigrsation legislation that allows the U.S. to continue to be enriched by those who were not born here.
Another non-answer from a liberal-Democrat. She basically gave us a mini-bio, then said let's change the immigration laws so that nothing changes. Forget about the laws we have in place now and simply enforcing them, i.e. stop convicting border guards from doing their jobs, let's implement new laws that won't be enforced and continues to look the other way when illegal aliens with vast criminal records take advantage of the lax laws and bleeding hearts continue to make excuses for them.
Q: Should the constitution be amended to allow foreign-born Americans to run for President?
A: I have never thought about it for myself but I do think that many foreign-born Americanscould be President. There should be a requirement that instead someone has to be raised in the U.S. for 25 years or something. For me, being raised in a free America made all the difference.
Isn't that peachy. Isn't that just like a lefty? Let's change 232 years of laws, customs, tradition and culture just so that their Arnold Schwartzeneggar's of the world can come in and implement their European-style of laws and justice. Hey, why not just let Fidel Castro run for the oval office? Whoops. No. That's what the lefties in America want, of course.
Q: What advice do you have for women who want respect from their male colleagues?
A: Women have to be active listeners and interrupters-but when you interrupt, you have o know what you're talking about. I also think it's important for women to help one another. I have a saying: there is a special place in hell for women who don't.
Ahem. Advice for women who want respect from their male colleagues? Here's a hint: don't work for anyone named Clinton.
Q: You have dealt with very stressful situations. What do you turn to for comfort food?
A: [Laughs] Mashed potatoes. I try not to, because I hope people will notice I have lost a lot of weight since I was secretary. [Instead] I try to seek comfort in apples.
I have nothing. This is one of the best questions they deemed interesting enough to print?