You know, I am so sick and tired of FOX News being vilified and lied about in their coverage of the news. I was reading
this temper-inflaming piece when my blood ran aboil. Why do the networks continually give this anti-Semitic has been of a complete presidential failure any airtime? To champion his cause of trying to fix his tarnished image, of course.
How long did the anti-Semitic Helen Thomas be championed as a "legend?" And why was she able to keep the center-seat, first row aisle in the White House briefing room? She hadn't been a reporter for years. She was a columnist. What's the difference between her function in that sense and Rush Limbaugh? Maybe they should have given him the seat 10 years ago.
Why is it that the one, admittedly, right-leaning news outlet that informs people of the things the liberal and biased news of the left (CBS, NBC, ABC and most of the time at CNN, not to mention Hollywood and the magazines of Newsweek and Time) won't tell you (like the absolute lies of President Obama about his parents meeting at the March on Selma or that his father served in World War II among many, many other distortions abut Health Care and his ignorance of history) is the evil of all evils, when the liberal MSM is constantly championing everything that is bad for America, especially with a history about their communist, socialist causes (including their favourite ex-failure of a president, Carter and current washout Obama) is a history book away?
How is it that FOX News's ratings on a nightly basis destroy those of the news stations mentioned above? Why do more and more people not trust the liberal media (or perhaps the media in general?) I mean you have all these news outlets ganging up on one cable news station and routinely call them liars instead of examining their own malfeasance (hello Dan Rather!) and bias. Everything from Jason Blair to the "fauxtography" scandal of the Associated Press is basically ignored once the initial stories are told. The liberal media goes on for weeks about Andrew Breitbart, so far as to give their personal opinions on the matter, calling him scum and so forth and forgoing any semblance of journalistic integrity and/or objectivity, then absolutely ignore anything that may cause embarrassment to their favourite politicians, actors, athletes, what have you. It took Chris Wallace to call out Howard Dean on his lies and ignorance when the former governor said FOX started the whole affair about Shirley Sharrod, when in fact the video wasn't shown on FOX until
after Sherrod's resignation. CNN had to fire (surprisingly) a "reporter" for not asking questions at an early Tea Party rally, but for arguing with people that differed with her opinion. Did you read that? Her
Speaking of the Wallace name, how do journalists like his father (whom I used t respect when
60 Minutes did their "ambush interviews-on everyone) ask despots and dictators like Iran's Mamoud Amedinejad about his wardrobe instead of his oppression of the Iranian people and funneling arms to Hamas and/or Hezbollah? Or Diane Sawyer's bizarre line of questioning to Mamoud Abbas about his favorite American movies? This is what passes for journalism? You can bet if it was an American conservative like Sarah Palin, they be jumping down her throat about not only made up assertions by their elitist counterparts, but they'd treat her like a leper, like ABC's Charles Gibson did before the 2008 general election when he so snobbishly looked at her down the end of his nose like a hard-line schoolmaster.
How about the recent Ground Zero Mosque debate? The MSM will have you believe that America is Islamophobic when there are almost 600 mosques in New York state alone. Did you hear anyone complaining about those? Or the fact that there are Arabs and/or Muslims that are opposed to the building of it near Ground Zero?
Apparently more so than the MSM. The media would have you believe that their
opinions are that of the general public when in fact, almost 70% of Americans and 60 % of New Yorkers oppose it. They won't let you listen to their opinions, but they'll make sure you hear and read about how those Muslim's beliefs on the matter are "fake" from supporters of the mosque, that are foreign no less.
ABC (I believe it was) rigged a car to explode in a report about the safety of GM cars. It is liberal journalists that have routinely been hired to work for Democrat administrations, then go back to being "journalists" when their time is up with that president's staff as if their allegiance to said president means nothing in doing their jobs as unbiased objective "reporters." Sure, there are conservative pundits that have worked for Republican presidents, but they're just that, pundits, not journalists. That's why I understand Chris Matthews point of view, but I cannot abide George Stephanopoulos or anyone like him that tries to portray objectivity and balance when they are clearly shills for the Democrat Party.
Everything from conveniently omitting the party affiliation of a liberal/Democrat until the second to last paragraph (if at all) to ignoring black on white crime. How about for once when Al Sharpton starts barking about social injustice and racism, one member of the left, just one, mentions Tawana Brawley or Crown Heights. Just one time. Or how about mentioning how the Democrats were in cahoots with the KKK after the Civil War and how they attempted to block civil rights legislation. Then how about they jump on people like Rachel Maddow for attempting to re-write history about those subjects, then trying some amateur reverse psychology or something by claiming the Republicans are doing just that. Don't even get me started on the hypocrisy on liberal radio and blogs that spew their borderline libelous accusations and hatred. Take a listen to Randi Rhodes (who isn't even brave enough to use her real name) Ed Schultz and especially Mike Malloy, then tell me there's more hatred on the right. What a joke! And the mainstream media says nothing. Lefty actors and "comedians " like Sean Penn, Bill Maher, David Letterman (who at least had the balls to apologize for it) Roseanne Barr and Sandra Bernhardt continually attack Sarah Palin with "jokes" about rape and child molestation and the MSM says nothing. Some of them eve laugh along. So spare me about the "hatred" on the right.
Of course, "journalists" like CBS's Maggie Rodriguez then claim people like Palin are just "whining" that they're "media victims," instaed of actually looking how she and her ilk have attacked her so much that even some libreal columnists are feeling for her. Sickening!
Even when people like Bill O'Reilly make factual mistakes (I personally have seen him do it only twice in the 10 or so years he has been with FOX) at least he apologizes publicly, on the air. I do believe I have seen Kieth Olbermann do this one time. One! And even then it was like pulling teeth. Such is the arrogance of the left.
When enough people buy into mass hysteria like Global Warming, the networks will tell you it's a consensus and true to fact. When more and more people watch FOX News over all the other cable news (and almost rival those ratings of the networks) those same people are ignorant and are sheep.
So why are more and more people flocking to FOX News instead of trusting the liberal affiliates who are supposedly the bastion of integrity and truth? I swear to God, if investigators at FOX and representatives of the MSM were to sit down and use each of their own information to show who's telling the truth and who has the more culpable bias, the networks would soon find themselves regurgitating their crap to crickets. Or, in other words, the audience the size of MSNBC.
Like a commenter said at the end of this piece,
"If the Libtard media decided to suddenly dedicate itself to the truth after decades of inaccuracies, half-truths and lies, they'd have to spend the next 25 years doing nothing but corrections and retractions." Well said.
I could go on, but I won't...for now. I need a drink of water.